I am currently accepting new clients. All ages welcome.
Please contact me for details or to schedule an appointment.

Rachael Bouch-D. CMT, DOMTP is a Licensed Bodyworker, Certified Acupressurist and graduate of the Osteopathic College of Ontario, and owner of InBody Center for Somatic Arts. She holds certifications in Osteopathic Manual Therapy, Craniosacral therapy, Acupressure and Hakomi. Her treatments incorporate a diverse range of therapeutic and healing modalities; hands-on bodywork techniques that are gentle, nurturing and supportive, and facilitate the body's own healing process. Her work offers a unique synthesis of bodywork and somatic counseling, steeped in these time-tested tools and traditions. She works with the whole system to find a place of balance and increased health, allowing for more vitality and ease to move through the mind-body-spirit organism. Rachael has experience and specialized training in working with pregnant women and infants, as well as premature babies and babies/children with developmental delays, and people with a range of disabilities. She has completed over 1,000 hours of professional education in Therapeutic Bodywork techniques from a diverse range of disciplines.
More About Rachael Bouch-D
More About Rachael Bouch-D

Osteopathic Bodywork * Somatic Counseling * Pre & Perinatal Somatic Attachment Work *
This work can help resolve chronic stress, back pain,neck & shoulder tension/pain, insomnia, sleep disorders, vertigo, TMJ & teeth grinding, migraine & tension headaches, thoracic outlet, PMS, digestive challenges, allergies and many other chronic and acute conditions, as well as enhance recovery from injury and surgery. Rachael has experience working with complex health conditions such as MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome), Chronic fatigue, Lyme disease, mycotoxin / mold-related illness. Safe, effective, nourishing and restorative, this work is beneficial for people of all ages, all abilities and in all stages of life. Bi-lingual Spanish / English. Se habla Español.
Treatments are specifically tailored to address each persons' unique body and needs.
Osteopathic Manual Therapy, CranioSacral Therapy and Acupressure engage the body’s own natural healing mechanism, help to revitalize the body’s energy, and alleviate the effects of stress by inducing deep relaxation. This work can effectively address a wide range of conditions including chronic stress, back pain, insomnia, sleep disorders, neck & shoulder tension, TMJ & dental issues, migraine/tension headaches, digestive challenges and PMS, and is safe and appropriate for people of all ages and and abilities. More about the Work |
Who can Benefit? Anyone can benefit from this approach to healing. If you are experiencing physical pain or emotional struggle, and feel ready to try a unique approach that uses the body's inherent wisdom to unlock the places of holding that keep things stuck. We will work together to listen to the body's story, and discover whats needed to start to shift and release the restrictive patterns. More FAQ's |
Adult and pediatric sessions are performed at my office in Albany CA.
I offer home visits for newborns under 5 weeks od age. To schedule an appointment, or to learn more, please contact Rachael directly: Tel (7 0 7) 4 8 4 - 1 0 4 4 Email [email protected] |